
Star Wars: Detailed replicas of Star Wars movie props

Star Wars Collectibles - detailed replicas of Star Wars props

Every Star Wars fan has ever wished they owned a lightsaber. And he can have it. There are many replicas. But not replicas from under the fingers of Disney and Lucasfilm. That has now changed. The latter launched an official collection of replicas (Star Wars Collectibles) of some of the most iconic props from this popular space franchise, which are produced for them by Proshop at Pinewood Studios, the company that was also in charge of the originals. Breathe, Star Wars fans, breathe!

Lovers Star Wars are known as passionate collectors themed products of everything related to the Star Wars theme, and they are not ashamed to admit it. Now they've got new toys to spend tons of money on. Disney and Lucasfilm they started the official collection of replica Star Wars props (Star Wars Collectibles), the most famous ones, which until now we could admire in such detail only on the movie screen.

What Star Wars fan wouldn't want to have this collectible at home?
What Star Wars fan wouldn't want to have this collectible at home?

Since these are official and extremely accurate replicas, the price of the collectibles, which fluctuates, is also appropriate between 1250 and 3500 US dollars for piece. From the last part of Star Wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, among others, are available melted Darth Vader's helmet, a bloodied Stormtrooper helmet FN-2187 (Finn), lightsaber Rey and Kyla Ren and Chewbacca's laser crossbow.

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A case of complete copies film props (he makes them Proshop at Pinewood Studios from England, who was also in charge of the originals), which they succeeded with the help of digital 3D data, which were already used in the production of work props, which were otherwise hand-polished to the smallest detail by manual craftsmen. Each product has its own pedestal and a chip that stores the serial number.

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