
Movie trailer: Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Director JJ Abrams gives final instructions to R2-D2.

After we recently got the subtitle of the long-awaited seventh part of the Star Wars franchise - Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens - we now also get a movie trailer that shows us for the first time a part of the hermetically sealed story. which we are already used to with director JJ Abrams.

What was known until the trailer is that the heroes of the first trilogy are returning, so Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, who, as we see in the first film collage (quasi trailer), ages by more than 30 years, but not with special effects, which is otherwise abysmal, since we haven't seen him as part of this space saga since 1983 (Episode VI: Return of the Jedi). Neither did Ford and Fisher.

The team tweeted the film's subtitle via Twitter (@StarWars_VII).
The team tweeted the film's subtitle via Twitter (@StarWars_VII).

Rumor has it that the city was also found for Benedict Cumberbatch, who apparently switched to the opposite camp (this is apparently not as "unheard of" as e.g. the transfer from Barcelona to Real), since last year we saw him in the role of a villain in another intergalactic franchise Star Trek (Star Trek: Into Darkness), which he also directed JJ Abrams.

READ MORE: Movie trailer: Jurassic World

Darth Vader (voiced by James Earl Jones) returns.
Darth Vader (voiced by James Earl Jones) returns.

If this is true, the trailer doesn't give us away, but we do know that the original trio has been joined by big names like Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Andy Serkis, John Boyega and Adam Driver.

Info Box

Movie VII, excuse me, is coming to cinemas December 18, 2015.

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