
Stari Vrh – a popular ski resort in the vicinity of Ljubljana

Slovenians are a nation of skiers, and that is why our ski resorts, although small, are extremely important for our sports confidence, because on the white slopes from Kranjska Gora to Mariborski Pohorje, new hopes for Slovenian skiing are sprouting, and recreationalists can jump from warm homes to one of the many ski centers and improve your skiing skills.

A small ski center near Škofja Loka is the right address for all those who cannot take a few days off and indulge in the pleasures of skiing, but are not ready to give up at least a day of skiing, perhaps only half-day pleasures or even night skiing. On Stari Vrh, you can enjoy night skiing every day from 19:00 to 22:00, while during the day one six-seater and three more ski lifts operate between 9:00 and 16:00.

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