
Start up - opened the first coworking spaces in Velenje

Anja Polh's wall illustration really brightens up the space.

Following the example of larger cities, the first Start Up coworking spaces were recently opened in Velenje, which offer young entrepreneurs and self-employed creatives a perfect working environment.

The Red Hall in Velenje was the first to open its doors recently Start Up coworking spaces. They boast a creative interior, which, following the example of the rich Velenje percussion tradition, the young people transformed it from a former bar into working spaces themselves. The plan for the renovation of the premises provided and helped to equip the SAŠA incubator is the work of an architect Nina Steiner. The space was refreshed with bright colors and colorful recycled furniture donated by the Velenje Reuse Center. A mural by an illustrator and designer also adds liveliness to the interior Anje Polh.

The premises, which in addition to twelve work corners also offer the possibility of informal socializing, are intended for start-up entrepreneurs and self-employed creatives, who use them with advantage for daily work, creation, meetings and mutual cooperation already in the first week after opening. Anyone who wants to spend their free time more productively, get informal education and meet people with similar interests is also welcome. "Our goal is to start building a strong start-up entrepreneurial community, to connect it with local entrepreneurship throughout the region, and to attract as many creative, creative people and future entrepreneurs to it as possible," the vision of Start Up is summarized by the coordinator Eva Klepec.

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Start Up Velenje

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