
Were you born in a month that brings success? See what science says!

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered if your birth month could be the key to your success? Scientists have discovered that there is one particular month when being born gives an interesting advantage - both in school and later in life. No joke, even your IQ could be affected by this "horoscope bonus". But how does the month of birth really affect our future and why is this month so special?

If you are wondering which month brings you not only better luck, but also better academic success, we have the answer! Research shows that children born in this month are usually older and more mature than their classmates. This advantage allows them to better understand school challenges and, as a result, better grades. Older children have more self-control, are focused and ready to succeed. They manage better in difficult situations and get into trouble less often - another advantage of "mature" month-old babies.

But that's not all. This month is not only important for childhood, it also affects later life. Children born in this month are more likely to get into prestigious universities, have better job opportunities, and are less likely to find themselves on the wrong side of the law. Amazing, isn't it? Of course, not everything depends only on the month of birth - parents and environment play a key role, but if you were born at the right time, you already start with a small advantage.

Photo: envato

Why September?

Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, we're talking about September. People born in September have that "hidden" advantage. They are mostly among the oldest in school, which means greater cognitive development and better chances for success. By the time they enter first grade, they have a few extra months of life behind them, which can make a significant difference at such an early age. And this advantage accompanies them throughout the entire educational process. Studies by the American National Bureau of Economic Research confirm that September children achieve higher results on average and have more chances to enroll in prestigious universities.

But don't worry if you weren't born in September – life is still your canvas. However, it is interesting how even the month of birth can slightly push us in one direction or another.

Photo: envato

What about a horoscope?

If we're talking about September - we can't pass by astrology. Zodiacally, this is the month belonging to Virgo and Libra. Virgos are known to be precise, organized and diligent - with all these qualities, it's no wonder that September children shine in school and later in their careers! Although science and astrology are not always in perfect agreement, this time they seem to have something in common.

So, if you were born in September, you have reason to be proud. But remember – success is a mix of factors, from genetics to upbringing. Birth month is just one piece of the puzzle, albeit a very interesting one! Who would have thought that one month could have so much influence on the future?

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