
Steam Roller in Stožice

Parni Valjak
Steam Roller

And just when we thought that their last farewell concert was really the last, Parni Valjak is back again! Even better, with even more hits, with even more energy.

Important information
Center Stožice
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 33 to 50 euros.

In Ljubljana Cones we will Steam Roller, one of the most successful Croatian rock bands, presented some novelties from their band of the new album Nema predaje. The album will be of a prestigious nature, as it will be released in limited quantities. In addition to the album itself, we will also get a bonus CD with live and studio performances of the songs, as well as a bonus DVD with recordings from their rehearsal space. Music and classically good lyrics for the song Just so you know, which took the charts by storm, was written by Husein Hasanefendić Hus. So the guys will present us some new hits and show how they approach music creation today.

Of course, the concert will also include their old hits, which have almost gone viral. Autumn in me, Sunday, cursed Sunday, Let it last, Catch the rhythm and on and on. Their concerts are known to be very long and always full of energy. The current lineup of the band is the irreplaceable Aki Rahimovski and Husein Hasanefendić Hus, Berislav Blažević Bero on keyboards, Marijan Brkić Brk on guitar, Zorislav Preksavec Preksi on bass and Dalibor Marinković on drums.

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