
Stephen King's tips on how to become a good writer

One of the most successful writers of all time, Stephen King, gives us some tips on how to become a good writer. The author Stephen King is one of those writers who knows how to attract millions of readers around the world with his stories.

In his memoir titled On Writing wants to share with future writers some valuable tips on how to become a good writer:

  • Stop watching TV, as it simply poisons your creativity, so read a good book or two instead. To achieve success in this profession, one must read a lot and also write a lot in order to improve one's work on the fly.
  • It is necessary to maintain motivation and never completely stop writing. It is also very important to maintain optimism, even when things are not going well for us. Optimism is the best response to failure.
  • You don't need to worry, to please your readers all the time, but rather write honestly.
  • Write primarily in a manner, that first you please yourself and that you are happy with your work.
  • Make your writing essentially your refined thinking and don't be afraid to dig deeper. Good stories can often be found like fossils in the earth, they just need to be discovered.
  • It is needed when you write complete disconnection from the rest of the world.
  • Don't be too conceited and use your words rather than looking through a dictionary, as some words can be completely overkill.
  • Don't use adverbs, because they are not your friends.
''Writing is not life but I think that sometimes it can be a way back to life'' - Stephen King
"Writing is not life but I think that sometimes it can be a way back to life" - Stephen King
  • Imagine what you want with your story the reader experiences and translate it into words on paper.
  • Don't give too much background information. The story should contain only those details that will move the story forward and thus convince the reader to continue reading.
  • Acknowledge all dimensions, which your character may have.
  • Take risks! Don't be afraid to take risks.
  • Do not imitate the writing style of other authors, but rather listen to your inner voice and relive your truth.
  • Once you start writing, write every day.
  • Complete your draft within three months, because if you write more time, your story will get lost.
  • Maintain a strong balance in your life, don't let writing completely exhaust you.

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