Stephen Lund is no ordinary cartoonist. In fact, he is not even a cartoonist in the true sense of the word. He is a cyclist who rides an average of 70 kilometers per day. His journey is different every day and seemingly without a tail or a head. But when we look at things from a distance, or better, on a map where his path is plotted with the help of a GPS device, we see that he is actually drawing with a GPS device. Check out his biggest and best drawings done with a GPS device.
Most painters and draftsmen paint with painter's or drawing tools, but no Stephen Lund. He draws with a GPS device. As you know, GPS devices can record the route walked and traveled (also crossed or flown over) and trace the track on the map. Using a GPS device, Lund makes the resulting drawing from tracks recorded while cycling.
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Lund started working with unusual art in 2015. Since then, he has 22,300 kilometers, for his greatest work, a drawing mermaids, drawn in "GPS technology", i.e. with the tracks recorded by the GPS device, he had to cycle as much as 220 kilometers at a time. According to him, the biggest challenge here is that all the roads are connected, as he wants to create continuous line.
Drawings drawn with a GPS device:
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