More and more people are deciding to eliminate food of animal origin from their menu and switch to veganism. By definition, veganism is not only a way of eating but a way of life, so vegans also do not buy leather and fur products, in short, anything that involves the killing/exploitation of animals to satisfy human hunger and vanity. Despite the fact that the "movement" has more and more followers, there is still a general belief that these are people who are intolerant of meat-eaters and label them with insults and harsh words such as murderers. But the truth is far from that. Let's see what the stereotypes are about vegans and what vegans actually are.
Of course, also honey vegans there are "extremists" who are intolerant of others, i.e. those who eat meat and dress in fur. The same applies to carnivores, who, on the other hand, blame vegans killing plants. Whatever that might mean. Because then where are the associations such as the "Society for Ethical Handling of Tomatoes" and the "Society for Broccoli Rights". They almost certainly don't exist because cutting a tomato is one thing and decapitating chickens is another. Anyway. Practically whenever veganism is mentioned, conflict seems inevitable.
Carnivores often reason the importance of meat, eggs and milk and they try to prove the fallacy of the vegan (which at the same time they think is only lean and tasteless food), while forgetting that many of them go vegan because egoistic reasons– own health. Yes, compassion for animals somehow it comes into play, but it often appears only with time, when the vegan gets a little deeper into nutrition and realizes the dark side of the food industry.
READ MORE: In Bled ZaŽivel ZaŽiv vegan bar
So that we don't venture into a field that will open a wild spiral debate, we'd rather try break stereotypes about vegans. For the benefit of vegans and carnivores. That's why we found a video that shows vegans as they really are compared to their public image.