
Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates - comparing the careers of two geniuses and visionaries

Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates

National Geographic dedicated a recent episode of the mini-series American Genius to Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs. Despite the fact that their "children", the brands Microsoft and Apple, do not have much in common at the level of company policy, this does not apply to their "father", who share many characteristics on a personal level. Both were visionaries, both had great ambitions, business acumen, a competitive spirit and a sharp mind. National Geographic therefore prepared a timeline between 1974 and 1999, comparing the ups and downs of the careers of two giants who changed the world forever.

Documentary program National Geographic is in one of the episodes of the mini-series American Genius dragged parallels between the careers of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs when he was just "Steve Jobs".
Steve Jobs, when he was just "Steve Jobs".

On this occasion, they also dedicated the whole to geniuses and visionaries subpage, where the careers of the two innovators between 1974 and 1999 juxtaposed with each other to offer a precise insight into what was happening at the time, including all of them ups, downs and turning points, which ultimately brought them eternal fame.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: Steve Jobs (2015)

Bill Gates from a time when vision was all he had.
Bill Gates from a time when vision was all he had.

It all started in 1968, when they saw the future of computing on the horizon. Everything else is history. How did you write that? a golden chapter in the history of computing and what is it like their legacy, and check at: americangenius.nationalgeographic.com.

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