
STOLP, koprodukcija SMG, Umetniškega društva KONJ in LGL; dramska predstava za gledalce od 14. leta dalje, mladino in odrasle, 110 minut

The play Stolp po dramski pesnitva, which the playwright Ivo Svetina wrote for the Slovenian Youth Theater in 2010, is directed by Silvan Omerzu. With actors, puppets, masks and automata, he will try to get closer to that special state of poets, which Plato already called poetic madness (mania),...

Important information
Slovensko mladinsko gledališče (Vilharjeva 11, Ljubljana) , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15,5 €/ 9,5 €

The play Stolp po dramski pesnitva, which the playwright Ivo Svetina wrote for the Slovenian Youth Theater in 2010, is directed by Silvan Omerzu. With actors, puppets, masks and automatons, he will try to get closer to that special state of poets, which Plato already called poetic madness (mania), without which poetry is not possible at all, and which is witnessed by many "damned poets" who spend their lives and experienced creation on the thin line between reason and madness, between reality and utopia... 

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