
Stop vandalism! @Ljubljana #clovek

The municipality of Ljubljana has launched a socially responsible campaign against vandalism "Man, protect your city, you only have one.", with which it aims to draw attention to the inadmissibility of vandalism and to emphasize the importance of respecting our common public space.

V Ljubljana only on publicly owned facilities Municipalities of Ljubljana, we record the average 150 cases of vandalism annually. This means that almost everyone records the destruction of property and the causing of damage other day. The most common targets of vandalism are buildings and their equipment, followed by the equipment of public spaces, in third place listed facades and graffiti, which are the most noticeable, create a feeling of untidy public areas and reduce the feeling of safety.

Ljubljana is beautiful even without graffiti!
Ljubljana is beautiful even without graffiti!

Because vandalism in the last 4 years, at facilities owned by MOL, there was an increase of approx 357 thousand euros in damage, which burdens the city budget. Kindergartens and schools are the most common targets of vandalism ¾ of the total vandalism in Ljubljana recorded on the buildings and property of schools and kindergartens. Therefore, the activities will be against vandalism and preventive measures primarily aimed at young people.

Activities of the Municipality of Ljubljana against vandalism

As part of the campaign "Man, guard your city, you only have one.", youth street work will take place in June at 15 different locations - especially in the vicinity of primary and secondary schools, in residential areas and on public areas exposed to vandalism. They will lead the activities The Public Institute Young Dragons and Institute Bob, who already have several years of experience with youth work and youth street work within the framework Networks Mlada ulica. Actions will be repeated at the start next school year, and then they will become part of the regular program Young dragons.

Ljubljana is beautiful!
Ljubljana is beautiful!

They will also pay more attention to vandalism City policemen, which will strengthen their presence in exposed locations around schools and in public places. They will also join the campaign Neighborhood communities.

Department of preschool education and education within the framework of the public tender for 2016, will invite experts, institutes and associations to prepare the concept and implementation of workshops for basic and secondary schools on the topic vandalism.

Citizens can report vandalism on the website www.ljubljana.si via the updated website applicationsInitiatives of citizens.

Public companies are also joining the campaign Strength and LPP. The force will implement a graffiti removal plan and the LPP will increase passenger awareness of the damage caused to city buses by vandalism. In the last 4 years he had LPP due to vandalism approx 76 thousand euros in damage, mostly on the windows and on the passenger seats; JP Strength however, due to vandalism and the theft of containers, it has approx 20 thousand euros in damage.

The campaign "Man, guard your city, you only have one" was also supported by personalities with whom young people can identify. They are singers Rok Terkaj and Magnificent, Födransperg stamp – Fedr from the bar Lepa bola i player Primož Petkovič – Petko.

Man, guard your city, you only have one!
Man, guard your city, you only have one!

The main goal of the campaign »Man, guard your city, you only have one." is to reduce all forms of vandalism to the lowest possible level, to increase people's sense of security in the city, to raise awareness of the damage vandalism causes to all of us and how we can contribute to its reduction, and last but not least cost reduction, which causes them vandalism. The funds allocated from the city budget to pay off damage caused by vandalism could be allocated to more useful projects aimed at improving the quality of life of our citizens.

The campaign "Man, protect your city, you only have one." is also part of the Ljubljana activities, Green Capital of Europe 2016, because we want the citizens to live in an orderly, clean and healthy city.

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