
Amazon Go Store - Cashierless stores are coming!

Amazon Go

Can you imagine being able to walk into a grocery store, grab what you want from the shelves, and simply walk out with the accumulated goods? Skip the checkout, no waiting in line, no payment? It seems as if we are describing a theft, but in fact it is the next step in the evolution of shopping, which is being introduced by the largest online retailer in the world, Amazon, with the Amazon Go store. The first stores without cash registers will open their doors in 2017.

Shop Amazon Go it is the future of shopping! Amazon has already revolutionized shopping by making us do a lot of shopping in the comfort of our homes. Now he wants to make our shopping even easier. But this time he is tackling the matter with a physical store - grocery store Amazon Go.

Using advanced technology similar to that in autonomous vehicles, the app will keep a record of what you took off the shelves or put back on them because you changed your mind later.
Using advanced technology similar to that found in autonomous vehicles, the app will keep a record of what you took off the shelves or put back on them because you changed your mind later.

This one will offer completely a new shopping concept, where you will not have to carry the products to the checkout and pay for them. Your 'visa' will Amazon account.

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All that will have to be done in the Amazon Go store will be to use the same name application and were 'patted' (read identified) with their Amazon account upon entering the store.

On the way there are shops without cash registers and without queues!
On the way there are shops without cash registers and without queues!

Then you will took the desired products from the shelves and simply walked out of the store with them. It will be that easy. No cash registers, no queues, no searching for change and wasting time. When you leave the store, Amazon will automatically charge you charged through your Amazon account.

Amazon will soon open physical stores to make shopping even easier. Shopping will become as simple as opening your own refrigerator and taking out what you want.
Amazon will soon open physical stores to make shopping even easier. Shopping will become as simple as opening your own refrigerator and taking out what you want.

The store without cash registers and queues will be made possible by Amazon's technology, which with the help of artificial intelligence (computer vision and deep learning) and sensors, i.e. similar technologies as we find in autonomous vehicles, knew what you took or returned to the shelf, and added it to the digital shopping cart and charged at the exit.

The location of the first Amazon Go store, which will be in Seattle, is already known.
The location of the first Amazon Go store, which will be in Seattle, is already known.

The first Amazon Go store will already be opened in Seattle, USA in 2017, and you can see how it works in practice in the attached clip.

Amazon Go store in practice:

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