
Weird facts you won't believe are true!

Sometimes it seems that we have heard and seen so many things in life that nothing can surprise us anymore. And then, by accident, someone mentions the amazing fact that the milk of a female hippopotamus is actually pink. That's right! We've collected some unusual facts and there won't be a single one that won't blow your mind!

1. It is the milk of a female hippopotamus pink.
2. Med it never breaks down. Not after a year, not after two - never.
3. Medusa Turritopsis Nutricula is the only known organism on Earth that is biologically immortal.
4. The heart of the blue whale it is so big that a man can swim in its arteries. But his throat no wider than a saucer.

The heart of the blue whale
The heart of the blue whale

5. For every person in the world, there are about 1.6 million ants. The whole mass of these ants is equal to the combined mass of the world's human population.
6. Octopus has three hearts.
7. Feng shui the art was originally the selection of a suitable place for the grave.
8. On Saturn and Jupiter it's raining diamonds.
9. This is what the sky would look like if it was Jupiter equidistant from Earth, like the Moon.

If Jupiter was as close as the Moon...
If Jupiter were as close as the Moon...

10. It exists in the human body ten times more bacteria as cells.
11. The probability that the water we drink contains a molecule of water, which once traveled through a dinosaur, is about 100 percent.
12. Frankenstein was the name of the inventor, not the monster.

READ MORE: Amazing facts that until now you were convinced were lies

13. Catfish have 27 thousand taste buds. That is four times more, as a person has them.
14. This is what sand looks like under a microscope:

Sand under the microscope
Sand under the microscope

15. Stereotypical goldfish bowl is actually the worst form of 'aquarium' for this fish.
16. Reading in low light or using a computer in the dark should not have any negative effects in our sight.
17. The University of Oxford is older than the Aztec temple.
18. In Cyprus Santa Claus is called Basil.
19. No one has succeeded yet to tame an African elephant.
20. The photo on the left shows a candle burning on Earth, and the photo on the right shows a candle burning in space without gravity, on the space station Mir.

Left: candle on Earth, right: candle in zero gravity
Left: candle on Earth, right: candle in zero gravity

21. Lack of sleep causes that around you we only see enemies.
22. Wrinkles, which are made on our skin, for example, after a bath, play an important role. The phenomenon is the result of abundant moisture, which the body understands as a slippery environment. The skin on the hands thus begins to change in a way that would allow us to grip more easily.
23. The 'groove' between the nose and the upper lip called philtrum. It's a little reminder of the time we spent in our womb. Both sides of the face developed independently of each other and then met in the middle of the face. When these two sides do not meet properly, which happens in every 750 births, the result is a wolf's maw.
24. The main activity of our ancestors was hunting for prey or running fast, so they needed well-built buttocks, which made the task much easier. If our bottom is round today, it's part of evolution.

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