
Stunning close-up photos of snowflakes

Snowflakes painted close up.

That no two snowflakes are the same is nothing new. But when we see them up close, they still surprise. Would you believe that their photos were not taken by a professional camera?

There are actually two highlights in this story. Since the reader usually looks at the photo first, let's start with it. Aren't snowflakes so incredibly adorable? Well, the intention is not a poetic poem, but still the macro close-up of snowflakes confirms again and again and again that nature is the greatest artist, everything else is better or worse copies.

Photography process.
Photography process.

The second highlight is the very method of photographing snowflakes in pictures. It's hard to believe that they weren't taken by a professional camera, and even harder that it's actually a camera made up of several scrap parts. It is a kind of experiment by the Russian photographer Alexey Klyatov with the aim of inspiring amateur photographers to take up macro photography several times. He literally glued together old camera parts, a wooden board and added some screws with adhesive tape. The result is photos that do not need additional words and the myth that only a good camera for a good price can make a good photo is destroyed.

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