
Summer Beer & Burger Fest in Ljubljana

Summer Beer & Burger Fest

On the third weekend in July, we stay at home, because the festival of the duo that many people love - beer and burger - returns to Pogačarjev trg. This time in a summer version and therefore even sweeter...

Important information
Pogačarjev trg, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

V Saturday and Sunday, July 18 and 19, the center of the capital will be between 11am and 11pm changed again to the tasting room of many types of excellent beer and gourmet burgers. V good company we will embark on the idea of finding the best in an idyllic location flavor combinations beer selected Slovenian breweries, pubs, importers and distributors of beer and premium burgers of all types, sizes and shapes, which will be assembled before our eyes by burger specialists from all over Slovenia.

PS: The Minister of Health warns: drinking alcohol can harm your health.

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