
What is a 'summer penis' and is it real?

Given that it's summer outside and that some days can be downright hot, it's perhaps understandable that some people have lost touch with reality. Why? Men around the world claim that their crotch wealth increases slightly during hot summer days. Is this true?

We all know that the genitals shrink a bit in the cold, and it might be logical to assume that they might even get bigger as the temperatures rise. 'Summer penis' is precisely that: individual men claim that they enjoy the benefits of hot days right in the bedroom, and share their experiences via Facebook and Reddit.

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Do you also notice a difference in your pants?

Someone anonymous wrote: "I know mine is bigger, I have better erections in the summer. In winter, it's the other way around." Others agreed: "Just another part of your body's homeostasis, trying to better regulate ideal temperatures." Some have committed themselves to this theory to the point of standing as proof willing to share exact measurements: "My full size in the summer can be a good 10 centimeters, in the winter it can shrink to 5 centimeters, especially when the temperatures are around -10 degrees Celsius."

Despite believing it to be a real phenomenon, the men never remembered its name. That changed when the phenomenon was named by Tracy Moore of the MEL magazine, namely 'summer penis'.

'Summer penis': myth or reality?
'Summer penis': myth or reality?

However, the question remains whether this is a real biological fact. At NHS they think so "the length of the soft penis varies a lot, for example depending on how cold the room is". So there is a relationship between size and temperature.

dr. Kenny Livingstone, doctor at ZoomDoc, says that anatomically it makes sense. "When it's hot, the blood vessels (capillaries) that supply the skin with blood can expand. This allows for greater blood flow, giving the appearance of swollen limbs, including, in this case, the penis.”

A dr. Preethi Daniel with London Doctors Clinic deal with it does not completely agree. Although the body changes due to temperature, this does not mean that the penis is 'growing'. "The penis does not grow during the summer, nor does it shrink in the winter. The obvious difference in the perception of size is simply the way our body tries to maintain an optimal temperature. This is called thermoregulation.” Daniel adds: “You may have noticed that your crown jewels hide when it's cold as the blood vessels on the surface of the skin try to retain heat, and it is possible that the vessels dilate as they release heat. The same thing happens when you sweat on your head. But if your forehead doesn't grow in the summer, then neither does your penis.”

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