
Sunscreen - how many times a day should we apply sunscreen?

How often should we apply sunscreen?

Do you know how many times a day we have to apply sunscreen to keep our skin properly protected? Do you also only apply oil on the beach once or twice in the summer? A must-read for anyone who likes (excessive) exposure to the sun.

How many times a day should we apply sunscreen?? When we go on summer vacation, we must not forget to pack sunscreen with a sufficiently high protection factor in our suitcase. But if you thought that you had done your job and sufficiently protected your skin from the sun's dangerous rays (or from radiation UVA and UVB), you've got a fair price. How many times a day do you apply sunscreen when you are lying in the sun? Once? Maybe twice?

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How many times do you reach for sunscreen while lying on the beach?
How many times do you reach for sunscreen while lying on the beach?

According to dermatologists, this is significantly insufficient! You should wear sunscreen - assuming you spend most of the day there on the beach (the rate of degradation of the active ingredients of the sunscreen depends on the exposure to daylight, not on the hours on the skin) - for thorough protection, apply every 80 minutes, even if you use a waterproof cream. Why? Because no one applies sunscreen thickly (according to dermatologists, a scoop when wearing a swimsuit should be cream spikes for head-to-toe application), which means we rarely reach protective factor, written on the packaging. And since we're going into the water or we are sweating. Even waterproof cream is only effective 40 minutes after you get wet. Apply regularly, and your skin will thank you.

According to the advice of experts, you should only sunbathe for 15 to a maximum of 30 minutes a day. Sunscreen is best applied 10 to 30 minutes before sun exposure.

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