
Superheroes, love, proverbs and absurdity

Superheroes, love, proverbs and absurdity are key words that can be used to describe the work of the legendary illustrator Kostje Gatnik. At the exhibition with this title, original comic strips will be on display, which in the 1970s shook the Slovenian comic scene with their provocativeness, stylistic freshness and priceless humor...

Important information
Vetrinjska manor, Vetrinjska 30, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Superheroes, love, proverbs and absurdity are key words that can be used to describe the work of the legendary illustrator Kostje Gatnik. At the exhibition with this title, original comic strips will be on display, which in the 1970s, with their provocativeness, stylistic freshness and priceless humor, shook the Slovenian comic scene, which was finally able to open up to alternative production. Kostja Gatnik not only introduced genre novelties to the Slovenian space, but also parodied and transformed them, which is considered the most original contribution that cannot be read without a smile on your face.

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