
A sweet addiction

Petra Cvelbar's photos are the central accompanying event of the Ljubljana Jazz Festival. According to Miho Zadnikar, in an extremely short period of time, the photographer sovereignly and with rare nonchalance moved away from "bare jazz", which brings this genre even closer to the viewer and listener. The result is photos that don't...

Important information
Small gallery of Cankarjev dom, Prešernova 10, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Petra Cvelbar's photos are the central accompanying event of the Ljubljana Jazz Festival. According to Miho Zadnikar, in an extremely short period of time, the photographer sovereignly and with rare nonchalance moved away from "bare jazz", which brings this genre even closer to the viewer and listener. The result is photographs that not only convey the image of the performers (if anything, they are often humorous in the photographer's case), but above all convey the atmosphere through details and light.

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