The new academic year will start in the second month. Luckily, there's still a long way to go until the exams, but before your mouth starts watering, it's a good idea to get to know the best study tips from a Harvard PhD student to help you achieve better academic results.
Leaving home is a stressful experience for many. Moving to an unfamiliar environment, monthly expenses, living in a foreign apartment - all these are novelties that an individual must get used to if he wants to ensure the best possible stay in his new home. It is especially difficult if you are moving for the first time. But here are some tips that will make this experience easier for you.
The perfect cup of coffee is a very subjective and personal thing, but to make your coffee even better, follow these proper preparation methods brought by scientists straight from the laboratory.
Envy is probably on the list of the worst 'diseases', because with such thoughts you poison people, the space around you and yourself. If you think someone else is living the perfect life and you're not, it's time to clear some things up with yourself. Above all, make these 5 changes.
We have already learned that tastes are not to be discussed. Not only between individuals, but also between different parts of the world and cultures, beauty is a relative thing. If looking at your reflection in the mirror has always convinced you that you belong among beautiful people, one thing is certain: it is a feeling that many people cannot capture. But here are tips on how.
There are days when we smell homemade pizza. We prepare it with love, put it in the oven and, while waiting for the oven to chime, we 'pray' to put a delicious piece on the plate that looks like it came straight from an Italian pizzeria. But we get a pizza that tastes like it was heated in a microwave. What did we do wrong?
There is no magic recipe for a long life, as taking care of one's own well-being is an individual matter. But the late t019-year-old grandmother Jessie says a woman will get more out of life if she avoids men. And she will live even longer. Can she be trusted?
Women are supposed to use certain words that they should stop using - but why?
Fairytale, dreamy and pastel photos are a hit on Instagram, so quickly equip yourself with knowledge about filters that will also beautify your 'feed'.
We know Barack Obama not only as a former American president, but also as a man with a capital letter. As it turns out, we can also give him the title of love guru. Why?
One of the most common questions photographers get is can I look slimmer in photos. Here's the trick.
Some people do not know how to say sorry, while we also know those who apologize even when it is not necessary. Have you ever wondered how to apologize 'properly'?