Did you hear? Apple wants to prevent us from recording concerts! He filed a patent for the technology that should make this possible already in 2011 (the patent is entitled "Systems and methods for receiving infrared data with a camera designed to detect images based on visible light"). Although this will probably anger many attendees, Apple is only following the wishes of organizers and many music and other performers who want to prevent listeners from recording concerts/performances with their smartphones.
Does Apple's patent application say more about the future iPhone than Apple wants to release so far? A few months ago, Ming-Chi Kuo, also known as the most accurate Apple analyst, announced that in 2017, when the most influential technology device in history will have its tenth anniversary, Apple will completely overhaul the design, and that the iPhone 8 should have a curved OLED screen and all glass body. His predictions are apparently coming true, as Apple has filed a patent that reads between the lines as an all-glass case.
You know what are the best tablets we can buy today? Although the tablet market is losing steam and is not as popular today as it once was, this does not mean that it is a branch of technology that is drying up. All the tech giants are still trying to make their tablets replace laptops. We present the best tablets of 2016, which succeeded in many ways.
The Apple MacBook Retro is an Apple MacBook dressed in the vanilla color and rainbow logo with which Apple paved its way in the 1980s. After giving the iPhone 6S, iMac and keyboard and mouse a retro treatment, ColorWare has now 'aged' the MacBook laptop and taken it back to 1983. It's a real collector's item, as there are only ten of them available, so scratch fast 3000 thousand US dollars, if you do not want to be left empty-handed.
Forbes magazine published the latest list of the most valuable brands in the world. Is this the sixth year in a row for Apple, which this year for the first time in 13 years has recorded a drop in profit and revenue, or do we have a new ruler in the rankings?
Wondering which iPhone is the fastest? Is it the iPhone 6 or one of the remaining 12 models Apple has introduced since 2007? Although the competition is already breathing down its neck, the iPhone still represents the standard and it was not for nothing that Time magazine declared it the most influential technological product of all time. A large part of the credit for this goes to the iOS operating system, which allows Karde to perform optimally. So which iPhone is the speed champion?
If you have an old iPhone at home, you're sitting on a gold mine! Your iPhone is full of precious metals and Apple wants it back. It is true that an old phone on the market has no real value, but what is trash for one person can be a treasure for another. In this case, it's Apple. Over the past year, he's recovered over a ton of gold from old iPhones, Macs and iPads!
iOS and Android are by far the most popular and widespread mobile operating systems. Between their users, there is sometimes a childish competition to prove which one is better. In the eternal search for a winner, it is therefore best to listen to someone who has crossed over from one camp to the other. Blasphemous? Maybe, but that's the only way we can really answer the question of which one is better. And here are 10 reasons why the iPhone or iOS better than Android.
Is Apple losing steam? The company, which has known nothing but growth since 2003, experienced a cold shower with the financial report for the first three months of operations. The results show that, for the first time in 13 years, they recorded a 13 percent drop in profits and revenues. The finger is pointed at the iPhone.
iPad laptops, MacBook is back. It's been more than a year since the launch of the new series, which is an eternity in tech years, so it's about time Apple injects the MacBook with some botox and adrenaline. Is the 2016 model really that much better than last year's much-vaunted model? Find out below.
The iPhone 7s will be the first joint child of Apple and Samsung. Yes, you read that right! What seemed impossible yesterday is a reality today. Apple jumped into bed with Samsung, its mortal enemy. No, it's not an April Fool's joke like the one about the iGalaxy. It is true that the cooperation will not be so close, but it is nevertheless a tectonic or better, a billion-dollar shift in the relations between the Korean and American brands.
Apple bowed to pressure and sought to silence rumors of a self-destructing chip by revealing the iPhone's life expectancy. Let us remind you that years ago Apple had to offer a two-year warranty instead of a one-year warranty due to European legislation (previously this was offered only with additional payment - AppleCare), but this did not silence the insinuations. So what is the life expectancy of an iPhone as claimed by Apple?