We enter the new year with Mercury retrograde, which lasts from December 29 to January 18, 2023!
Find out which planetary aspects can change your life! Astrologers reveal the most important aspects of the planets in the coming year and what influence they have on your life!
Astrologers reveal what is most important to avoid! Find out what you can and can't do from September 9 to October 2, 2022!
A starburst is a wonderful moment when the stars fly across the sky and let us know that everything we want, even the most hidden desires, can come true.
Mars, the planet of ambition and desire, has left fiery Aries and entered the cold sign of Taurus, where it will remain until August 20. In the coming weeks, we will feel a strong need to slow down, enjoy, rest, free time, relax.
The very word retrograde reminds us of something negative, stagnation, blockages, broken plans, etc. You may have heard of the astrological story of Mercury retrograde, which can turn everything upside down, but it's much more complex than that.
Check out what the solar and lunar eclipses bring you and which days you should be a little more careful! The energy of the Moon and the Sun influence a person's mood, energy, decision-making, and this influence intensifies during eclipses.
Will it really attract everything we want into our lives? Let's see what fate will bring us from February 16 and how we can use its energy!
What does this communication planet bring us? The past is coming back, great opportunities await us! Now you can focus on love, business or financial plans and use the lessons learned to achieve them.
If you're one of those people who plans everything based on whether or not it's Mercury Retrograde, then this post is for you! Even if you're not into astrology, you've probably heard of Mercury retrograde. You have seen countless times that people complain about it, blame it and wait impatiently for it to pass. Who is to blame? Why? When is it over? Where does he go then? These are the Mercury Retrograde dates until 2030!
Big changes are coming. Venus retrograde in Capricorn brings big changes in all areas.
These are signs that are always five steps ahead of you! And they are planning how they will deceive you. Don't play their games!