Talented actresses have been able to captivate audiences since the very beginning of Hollywood, and their beauty was (and still is) an important factor. What are the 33 most beautiful actresses of all time?
The unicorn and its magical pattern is so iconic that we could see it in many forms - it started with fashion accessories, then we all dyed our hair in colorful shades, and now it's time to beautify our armpits. Yes, you heard that right.
Beauty is a word that is stronger than any adjective. It makes women desperate - this word forces them to stick to strict diets, change their appearance and go under the knife. However, isn't it the case that beauty means something more than just looks?
Beauty ideals change over time and space, but how important they are to us is somewhat less so. In this article, you can see a list of 10 bizarre things that were done in the past to look better. Such a journey into the past can perhaps shed light on the absurdity of certain modern ideals of beauty.
Last year we witnessed many beauty trends that we were disgusted by, but there were also some original ideas that were followed by beauty followers from different parts of the world. We have barely entered 2019, but beauty gurus have already predicted which beauty trends will be popular this year. So what are the biggest beauty trends of 2019?
Science has finally found that quality in a man that attracts the most attractive women!
How is it possible that girls and women, who should be the most desirable according to common sense, are single? Is it their own fault or is the whole world conspiring against them?
Applying deodorant seems like the easiest thing to do, but after all these years, it turns out that we're clearly not applying it correctly! These are our four most common mistakes!
Often, what makes you attractive is actually a little thing: the sparkle in your eyes, the way you walk, or the way you tie your shoelaces. Read what is most attractive about you according to your astrological sign.
See how nature has gifted some people (one way or another) and given them an irreplaceable, unique look that will take your breath away.
The tiger or snake pattern can slowly say goodbye as the turtle, which is otherwise considered to be slow, has finally arrived in the fashion world. And she conquered him. Not only on fashion items, but also on our nails will be a tortoiseshell pattern, with which we will end this year in (fashionable) style.
If you want to find out what the world was like in the past, flip through your grandmother's or parents' family photo album. Habits that your loved ones once had will seem ridiculous to you. Their 'antique' look is especially amusing. And you will surely find it strange that your mother or grandmother looked very old when she entered her thirties. Today's 30-year-old women could easily subtract 10 years. Why is that?