Beauty ideals are linked to our culture, which means that ideas about what is seductive are very different. We have compiled a list of extremely unusual things that are avoided in our culture, but are the beauty ideal elsewhere.
Did you know that the average eyebrow has around 250 hairs? This information gives us the answer to the question why women are so obsessed with their perfect shape. Because they have to tidy up so much hair. With these five products and tips on how to use them, you'll be able to do just that. Finally.
Designers from all over the world have used Photoshop to create photos that show how society in different parts of the world perceives the perfect male body. If you're scolding your loved one for their 'beer belly', stop. In some other country, women would fight for him!
What is it that makes a woman truly beautiful? "Beautiful" is a strong word that we don't use as lightly as, for example, "sexy", "cute" and similar words that we use when describing a woman. It is a word that has power and prestige far beyond any other adjective. This is the word that makes women go for plastic surgery and extreme diets. This is the basic desire of every woman. But beauty is much more than just looks. It is that something, that mystical quality of the soul that can turn an asymmetrical face into something most beautiful in the world. So what is it that makes a woman truly beautiful?
Beauty trends have been dictated by prominent celebrities and beauty gurus for years. And while some trends are desirable and followed by fans from all over the world, there are also some that will leave you scratching your head. Perhaps the worst beauty trends that marked this year are not exactly something we will wear, but we were certainly impressed by their uniqueness.
What our genes can create is sometimes truly unimaginably beautiful. And so are these people, real genetic masterpieces that you definitely don't see every day.
A good hairstyle can improve your mood, but a bad hairstyle can ruin it. In order to minimize the latter, it is a good idea to go to the hairdresser from time to time to re-arrange your hair, taking into account your hair type, face shape and lifestyle. Of course, it is important that you also express your wishes, say what you like and how you live, so that the hairstyle will be customized. There are quite a few hairstyles that suit most people and some that are almost never flattering.
We all know that Coca-Cola does a lot more than just quench our thirst, but the next thing we're going to add to this list will shock you. This drink is said to soften the hair upon contact with it, change its texture and create a so-called beach hairstyle. Would you dare to wash your hair with Coca-Cola? Before you say no, watch the video of beauty guru Ellko, who tried the beauty trick on her own skin/hair so you don't have to bite your tongue later.
Kiehl's Since 1851, a legendary New York pharmacy and manufacturer of high-quality skin and hair care products, opened its doors in Ljubljana on October 10. The popular and world-famous brand can be found in the cosmetics department at Maxi.
Sociologists found years ago that mixed race people are more attractive and successful. Evolution is said to be to blame for this: 'they have more diverse genetic material', 'greater chances of survival' and are 'better candidates for reproduction'. This is also the reason why such offspring are more attractive to us. Not even these photos of men and women prove anything else, proving that there is nothing wrong with being 'mixed'.
In Slovenia, between October 15 and 20, a week of beauty salons will take place for the first time. If there is ever a good time to visit a beauty salon, it is certainly now, as the best beauty salons throughout Slovenia will offer exclusive services from the world of professional cosmetics.
What happened to eighties fashion happened to nineties eyebrows. Celebrities who today are also adorned with thick and beautiful eyebrows, which became a hit thanks to Cara Delevingne, once wore much more unfortunate eyebrows. Do you still remember this beauty trend?