For the 12th year in a row, the mustache has been the trademark of November or, better, movembra, as we have been calling it since 2004. Today is the 1st of n(m)ovember and we will soon meet an increased number of men on the streets who are a sign of solidarity ( the purpose of doing this is to raise public awareness about prostate and testicular cancer) let the mustache grow. And in order for mustaches and beards to remain so beautiful and well-groomed throughout the month, they will have to be taken care of as best as possible. We have prepared some tips that will be helpful in caring for your beard and mustache this November as well.
For some, an ear is just an ear, for others, the universe in miniature. Some people settle for an earring, others pierce their ears with a series of earrings. The latest trend will impress even those who may not have been overly enthusiastic about the latter until now. More and more girls are decorating their ears with a series of luminous earrings arranged like stars and planets in the night sky.
Meet Khoudia Diop, the Instagram sensation who many called a slob and a daughter of the night before she turned her dark skin to her advantage and became a fashion model. A young Senegalese woman was often ridiculed in her youth because of her black skin color, which makes other black people look like white people. The name 'melanin queen' (melanin is a dark pigment that gives a person the color of their skin, hair and eyes) was also given to them with the aim of encouraging others to be confident about their color or skin tone.
Why walk when they can dance? And why dance when they can dance naked? This is clearly the motto and main question of photographer Jordan Matter and his book Dancers After Dark, where he immortalized naked ballet dancers on the streets of New York and Paris. Below, check out these beautiful photos of ballet dancers chasing their lifelong dreams!
In an extremely interesting experiment, men were shown photographs of models. Then photos of their wives, daughters and grandmothers, and their pulses were taken. What happened will move you deeply.
What do we need this fall? Eyeliner, dark lipstick, highlighter, peach eyeshadow and some glitter. See what the beauty trends are for fall 2016.
Coconut oil is an all-natural, wonderful-smelling, extremely effective and wallet-friendly cosmetic that can replace dozens of bottles of different lotions, creams and balms. Check out what you can use it for.
Cara Delevingne may have swapped her modeling career for a film career, but the fashion world hasn't put her on the sidelines yet. At London Fashion Week, at the Burberry fashion show, she appeared with an interesting look that may be the start of a new trend. She had a dark line drawn down the middle of her body that ran along the entire length of her neck, all the way to her cleavage.
Skin marbling? You've probably already heard of marbling, but not in connection with the skin, but with dandruff and nails. It is a modern dyeing technique that, from the eggshell and cornea, has now also spread to the skin, covering it in unique, colorful patterns that we just can't imagine. All you need is marbling paint and salt water. Simple, fast, and above all, unique!
Do you also marvel at the elegant and slender figures of French women? Wondering what their secrets are? The members of this gourmand-hedonistic nation enjoy themselves completely without worries and without inhibitions and still maintain beautiful bodies. No, the secret is neither in excessive recreation nor in hellish diets. Here are the secrets of slim French women that may help you too.
The well-known men's magazine GQ announced the model of the year 2016. It became Bella Hadid, a 19-year-old dark-haired sister of Gigi Hadid, who is slowly but steadily stepping out of her sister's shadow, and Charlotte McKinney succeeded her on the throne.
Did you think the most attractive features of a man are muscles and a sense of humor? Well, recent scientific discoveries suggest otherwise. These two qualities are by no means crucial in getting a woman's attention. So what is this secret?