Tech giant Facebook has announced the use of augmented reality (AR) and other new advertising tools that will soon be available on the social network. Some companies that favor advertising on social networks have already had the opportunity to test the new features.
Surely it has happened to you at some point that when you look at your friend's profile on a social network, you feel a bit of envy. This is completely normal, everyone probably wants to enjoy the beach more than going to work.
Tinder and other dating apps are getting a new competitor in the near future. It will be none other than Facebook, which will add a feature to its mobile application to meet future partners.
We are sure that at least once you have thought about deleting your Facebook profile, but at the last minute you decided to stay on the popular social network. Maybe you're afraid you won't be connected to your friends and 'friends' anymore, or you can't imagine life without the constant bombardment of updates shared by your likes. And what is the life of people who managed to delete their profile?
If you remember the fairy tale about Janko and Metka, then you probably know how naively the brother and sister entered the delicious (made of candy) house of the evil witch, unaware of all the dangers lurking inside. A similar situation is faced by us, real persons who have entered the world of social networks without realizing what everything we post online reveals about us.
At Facebook, after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, they had to respond to the accusations that came their way. How will they try to regain the reputation they had until recently?
Recently, there was a scandal in the USA that brought Facebook into disrepute. In 2014, Cambridge Analytica was revealed to have gained access to 50 million profiles of US citizens. Using the obtained data, they then built profiles of American voters. So how can we stop Facebook from spying on our messages today?
Addiction to social networks can be described as the most common disease of the 21st century. Technological progress has imposed on the inhabitants of the planet Earth the belief that they must always be up to date with everything that is happening in the world.
Facebook knows almost everything about you, and at the same time it also archives it. And when you see what he managed to 'preserve', you will be a little scared. So how can you access this archived content?
Not only can Facebook be completely addictive, it also has a range of private information about us, such as our political and religious affiliation, and at the same time it knows exactly where we are in the world at a given moment. Considering how much time people spend on this social network, all this is not so surprising, but soon Facebook will have even more information, namely it will be clear to it how much we have under our thumb.
It is somewhat strange to think that with their new discovery Facebook will displace classic time units from our lives. Of course, this is not their intention - with their unit of time they want to make it easier for people who are engaged in the study of recordings.
Many websites where we can buy fake followers for our social media profiles. But this method of promotion is completely useless. It makes much more sense to get real people to follow us. Facebook helps us with this.