Ballerina and Viktor is a Canadian-French animated family comedy set in the 19th century. It tells the story of an orphaned girl, Felicia, who dreams of becoming a famous ballerina. So overnight, she leaves her monotonous job as a kitchen assistant in an orphanage and sets out to chase her dreams with budding inventor and loyal friend Viktor, who encourages her to join the ballet school of the famous Paris Opera.
After The Intern, Oscar winner Robert De Niro is a stand-up comedian again. The Comedian is the story of Jackie Burke (De Niro), a comedian whose successful career is in decline. When he punches a guest during a stand-up show for filming him, he is assigned to do community service, during which he meets a younger girl (Leslie Mann) who turns his life upside down. The film also stars Danny DeVito.
Blade Runner 2049 is the sequel to the cult science fiction film from 1982, a film voted by scientists around the world as the best science fiction film of all time. In the sequel to The Exterminator, Harrison Ford returns as police chief Rick Deckard, and he will be joined on screen by Ryan Gosling as a new hunter of outlawed replicants (genetically modified human clones).
Snatched is an action comedy about a mother (Goldie Hawn) and daughter (Amy Schumer) who go on vacation to South America and are kidnapped. It is Goldie Hawn's first major film role in 15 years. The film was directed by Jonathan Levine (50/50).
Going in Style (2017) is an adaptation of the film of the same name from 1979 (then translated in style), in which three acting legends appear - Oscar winners Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Alan Arkin, They play older men who live together and they are bored until one of them comes up with the idea of robbing a bank.
Think you know everything about movies? Well, then we know how to surprise you now. Here are some unusual movie facts that you probably don't know yet.
Hollywood has to swallow quite a bit of criticism at the expense of female characters. Rightfully so. Good roles for women are as rare as diamonds. And yet. Film and TV history is full of great and well-crafted female characters who live up to their male counterparts. The Hollywood Reporter recently conducted a poll asking actors and filmmakers for the best female characters. These are the best female characters in history.
Actor Woody Harrelson will do something that no one has done before him. He will make a film that will be broadcast live in more than 500 cinemas. The film Lost in London is based on one of the worst episodes of his life. A broken ashtray in the back seat of a London taxi 15 years ago set off an avalanche of events that eventually led to him spending the night in jail. He didn't think the whole thing was funny at the time, but today he thinks it's a good basis for a comedy in which Owen Wilson and Willie Nelson, among others, will join him. The film will be shot in one frame.
In 2018, a film about Barbie is expected to hit the screens, but more than this news, the choice of the main actress who will play the film version of the doll with perfect proportions and always well-groomed hair is more exciting. We would expect Kate Hudson, Margot Robbie, Brit Robertson, Amanda Seyfried, Kaley Cocou, Scarlett Johansson and Kate Upton in this role. But Barbie will be none other than comedian Amy Schumer, who is far from meeting the modern idea of a perfect woman and often emphasizes that she is far from perfect and that she is not bothered about her figure. Do you think it's the right choice?
On cold holiday days, we prefer to wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and watch a movie or two. Of course, we are expected to watch classic Christmas movies, but what about when the same 'classic' Christmas movies are released every year, which honestly get on many people's nerves. Knowing this all too well, we have selected Christmas movies that you will want to watch. Probably also because you don't know most of them yet. Let yourself be surprised and let us bring some holiday cheer into your home.
War for the Planet of the Apes is the third sequel to the Planet of the Apes franchise. It features the return of the ape Caesar (Andy Serkis), who leads his species into a final battle with the humans, led by the cruel Woody Harrelson as the colonel. Returning as director is Matt Reeves, who directed the previous film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014).
After more than 15 years, Baywatch (Baywatch) is coming back into our lives, only this time we will be watching the snotty and wet bodies of the currently hottest and officially sexiest movie actors on the planet in film and not TV format, as we did in 1989 and 2001. Stepping into David Hasselhoff's shoes is Dwayne Johnson, the highest-paid and sexiest actor in the world, who will be Mitch Buchannon, and Matt Brody will be portrayed by Zac Efron. The film also stars Coast Guard legends David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson!