Film adaptations of cult novels are always controversial and face high expectations from generations and generations of readers who grew up with the book. A film can quickly receive an avalanche of negative reviews, but if it is well made, then it almost automatically becomes a film classic!
If you're looking for the best Scandinavian series and movies, then don't miss our list, where we've selected great content that you can watch right away.
We checked whether Slovenians believe that people with supernatural powers live among us... and were extremely surprised!
Brad and Angelina became one of the hottest couples after falling in love on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. However, other celebrities also found their soulmates during filming (well, some thought so), such as Penelope Cruz, Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. Some of these couples have been married for 30 years, proving that you never know when Cupid's arrow will hit you.
Even though we have watched our favorite movies thousands of times, we can still miss some very interesting details.
For all those for whom evenings without streaming giants have become unimaginable, here is excellent news! This year, Netflix is bringing us quite a few new movies that could become real movie spectacles.
It is very rare for young actors to start their careers with feature films. Most often, their career begins with an appearance in a TV commercial or series. Nevertheless, it seems that all the doors of fame open for them only when they star in their first film.
December is always the time for movies that fill us with good feelings. We are talking, of course, about films with a Christmas touch. If you want to skip traditional hits like Home Alone and Actually Love this year, we have made a selection of Christmas movies for you that Netflix offers us.
How often do you feel that there are no newer movies that are worth your attention? How many times do you say to yourself that they are not as good as the "good old movies"? We present to you one of the better selections of movies that you must watch!
Rainy days are perfect for a good movie. One that we immerse ourselves in and never stop thinking about. Here is a list of 8 unusual movies that will brighten up even a rainy day.
The essential question is how to get free movies and series in a completely legal way? You know, holes in the system always and everywhere exist!
Amazon Prime Video is serious competition from Netflix, in fact it's even better! Not only will you find a truly rich treasure trove of movies and series on it, but you will also get many other benefits that, hands down, no other streaming content (VOD) platform offers you. For you, we searched for 8 tricks that further improve the experience of watching multimedia content on Amazon Prime Video. Enjoy!