Very successful people also have their habits to thank for their success, but if many can be an inspiration to us, there are also some that are downright bizarre. We can certainly classify some eating habits. Did you know that Nicolas Cage refuses to eat pork because pigs don't have decent sex? Or that Steve Jobs ate only carrots for so long that his skin turned orange? Check out other bizarre eating habits of highly successful people.
Humans are quite step-motherly when it comes to food, at least judging by the amount of food we waste. Every Slovenian alone throws away as much as 82 kilograms of it every year! The number is shocking, but the situation can be improved with small actions. In this light, the project "Volk sit, goat whole" was born, and in this light also Foodee was born, a smart food organization system consisting of a mobile application, a smart reader (scanner) and a smart scale, which prevents the generation of waste or food waste.
When we think about the main things that keep us healthy, like diet, sleep and exercise, it's easy to imagine them on parallel roads, where what we do in one lane doesn't even affect the other lane. But if we scientifically study complex biological processes, then it becomes clear that the roads of health are much more intertwined than we thought. Nutrition and sleep are currently the hottest topics for research, and recent studies have shown that our diet affects the quality of our sleep, and the quality of our sleep affects how we eat throughout the day. Here are superfoods or superfoods that will help us sleep better.
You might think it's harder to finish a stage in the Tour than to swallow everything the Tour de France cyclists eat during the day, but it seems that the mission "on the breath" is to eat everything they eat during the day professional cyclists, more impossible than cycling on a French bow. The Norwegian journalist Nicolay Ramm tried to do just that. To consume 8,000 thousand calories, as much as professional cyclists do per day, to withstand the killer rhythm. Check if Ramm flunked the exam or if he succeeded.
Summer seems to be in full swing these days. But high temperatures also have their disadvantages. Excessive heat seriously disturbs the body, causing irritability, sleep problems, fatigue and, among other things, lack of concentration. Food and drink play such a big role in cooling our body down to a healthy temperature. Here are tips on what to eat on these hot days and what are the pros of such food.
Some argue that the 80/20 principle is key to maintaining a slim line. It is a simple lifestyle change that can lead to easier maintenance of a slim figure and is an ideal choice for anyone who never wants to "deal" with strict and, above all, rigid diets.
Although we want to eat healthy, in the flood of nutritional rules, various diets and strict regimes, we sometimes no longer know what really works. To put an end to nutritional confusion once and for all, we've pulled out of the mothball 3 key nutritional tips for a healthy life that we may have already forgotten...
Did you know that iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder and that one of the most common causes of fatigue is anemia. That is why the fact that 3.5 billion people worldwide suffer from iron deficiency is all the more frightening. For most of these, substitutes are either unavailable or too expensive. Well, thanks to the Lucky Iron Fish invention by Canadian doctor Christopher Charles, that is no longer the case, and anemia could become a thing of the past with the fish.
Adequate nutrition and sufficient hydration are two key factors that contribute to optimal results from our exercise. Therefore, on the way to the desired sports goal, we must make sure that we eat foods that meet the needs of our body before and after exercise.
We present the beauty secrets of one of the most famous beauty icons of all time – Marilyn Monroe.
We present delicious foods that, in addition to freshness and good taste, also ensure a flat stomach. Who does not want to enjoy good food and do something good for their body and excellent well-being?
A properly cooked scrambled or poached egg is a unique culinary achievement, as it must be soft and the yolk inside still runny. Due to the seemingly (too) demanding preparation, many people prefer to avoid the interesting technique of preparing eggs and thus miss the opportunity for an extremely tasty and nutritious meal. For everyone who would like to try their hand in the kitchen anyway, we have prepared a simple guide that will surely lead to exceptional results.