For you, we have selected exceptional campaigns of the most popular products on the world wide web and tried to bring them closer to you. Because the prices are really crazy, we believe you will buy something!
The king of the action camera class, the GoPro Hero 8, is experiencing one of the biggest discounts in history. Compared to the price of Slovenian retailers, which amounts to 449.99 euros, you can buy it here for as little as 281.47 euros.
GoPro ran into a bit of trouble a while ago, as the development of smartphones and various other devices is so fast that many people have mistaken their device from the beginning of the range for a device that they carry in their pocket anyway. The GoPro Hero 7 is supposed to turn things upside down - especially with its incomparably excellent image stabilization.
GoPro CEO Nick Woodman promised a few months ago that a new "entry-level" camera would soon be available to customers. The promise has now become a reality as the new Hero camera is already in the market.
If you've already wandered around the ski slopes this winter, then you've surely noticed devices on top of some helmets. During the summer months, you noticed the same small cameras on the helmets of cyclists speeding past you, when you were biting your knees while climbing a hill. Of course, these are GoPro cameras. And these are the best GoPro footage of 2017.
It is the beginning of a new creative field, says the company GoPro, which, in addition to the HERO6 camera, presented the Fusion 360 camera, which rotates around its axis. We were teased with it since last year's CES and now it is here. All you action junkies out there who like to immortalize your stunts and slightly less stunts on film, this is for you!
Finally! On their website, we were able to count down the days, then the hours, and finally the seconds. Then it boomed! In San Francisco, GoPro unveiled its new camera, which is a real treat. It hit the shelves immediately after the event, but we'll take a look at it here first.
Action cameras are extremely different from regular cameras. They are small and robust 'things' that we attach to various objects, such as helmets, surfboards, cars, bicycles, and use them to capture footage in the first person. The kind that raise the adrenaline level of the spectators. Since summer is coming and with it the season in which we will all be a little more active, it is right to take a look at what's new in the action camera segment, where the market leader GoPro is getting more and more really good competition year after year.
Best Action Cameras 2017 – We have included the GoPro Hero5 Black in our list of the best action cameras of 2017.
GoPro has announced the compact 360-degree GoPro Fusion camera, which enables the capture of 360-degree spherical footage. It will initially be aimed at capturing footage for virtual reality (VR), but of course traditional content will not suffer as a result.
We were recently blown away by the video of Daniel Bodin doing a double somersault on a snowmobile, but what the Stunt Freaks Team did is extreme even for extreme athletes. In the Swedish highlands, team member Antti Pendikainen flew a snowmobile with the help of a parachute. Is there a more daring form of extreme sport?
What did Slovenian consumers buy in 2016? GSM phones, televisions and laptops were the most desired among Slovenians. But which smartphone was the hottest product?