Of course, these ladies of the horoscope have great qualities, but they also have flaws that drive many crazy.
You've built a wall around your heart and there's nothing wrong with that, it won't be there forever
Solid, tall. Perfect, with no chance of anyone succeeding in knocking it down. You mean, it's going to stay there forever. Especially when you are in the process of healing from past heartaches.
Tired of happy couples reminding you of your single status? Are you sick of events and social gatherings where people come with their partners (and no one follows you)? Do you think you will be single forever? Feeling lonely?
Some women of the horoscope leave such a strong mark that they cannot be forgotten!
Think it over! Judge! ... And ask yourself the questions that will free you from the useless and fruitless yield that benefits only one! Be strong! Take a decisive step forward into a new life! It's time to let go of a man who doesn't appreciate you!
You know all about giving support, comfort, how to be there when a person needs a shoulder to cry on. You have learned to listen carefully and understand other people's problems. You have learned to share your time, energy and attention - with others. And now you wonder how it is that even though you have given someone everything - yourself, your heart and love, that it is not enough for them. Why?
Love has a big heart, but not infinite. You will understand that you have a treasure in your hands, the value of which you have not yet discovered. That's also why it's important to read this write-up!
For a relationship to last, it needs more than just love. Most of the time, it is much more important how well the two partners match. Above all, do you have these key needs of everyone in a love relationship aligned!
Wondering which astrological signs make the perfect love match? The stars have the answer to that.
Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where there was only one way out? Did you secretly believe and hope you were wrong? You thought the person loved you. How wrong you were! She left. She blocked you. And believe it or not, it's the best thing that could have happened to you. Tell her - THANK YOU!
If you've ever been in a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable, you know the pain of not being able to get close to the one you love. They withdraw, make excuses, or are simply unresponsive when it comes to talking about feelings or a relationship.
You don't need a magic wand or some "popular" magic to make a man fall in love with you.