At CES 2025, which takes place in Las Vegas from January 7 to 10, Lenovo unveiled its technological masterpiece: the ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 Rollable. It is an AI laptop with a screen that stretches from 14 inches to an impressive 16.7 inches – all with the press of a special button or even a wave of your hand in front of the camera. What do you get? More space for multitasking and a stylish tool for all digital creators and productivity enthusiasts who can't stand classic monitors that take up half of their desk.
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Transparent laptop - this is science fiction that is possible today. At Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Lenovo unveiled the revolutionary Project Crystal notebook with a transparent microLED display that promises to merge the worlds of digital and analog with a new dimension in interaction and augmented reality. This concept explores the potential of transparent display technology and raises questions about the future utility of such devices.
Lenovo has introduced a new flagship among its toy smartphones – the Legion Phone Duel 2.
Lenovo recently announced a series of additions to its ThinkPad lineup, and the star is undoubtedly the X1 Titanium Yoga.
Lenovo makes great laptops. And ever since May 2019, he has been teasing us with the idea of a foldable laptop modeled after the "fold" devices from the smartphone world. It gave us a better insight already at this year's CES, and from today you can order it, because the concept has become a reality!
Undoubtedly, in 2020 foldable screens will receive the most attention. Let's take a look at the technological trends that will mark the year 2020.
It was only a matter of time before we saw a new foldable device. Can CES 2020 still surprise us? The future is definitely foldable, as evidenced by the Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Fold.
What are the best laptops of 2019? If you want quality and performance, these laptops will not let you down.
After the foldable or bendable smartphone, the world's first bendable laptop (2019) is coming to the market soon - introduced by Lenovo, which has delighted us many times in the past with imaginative innovations. This is the Lenovo ThinkPad X1.
Millions of buyers around the world have already warmed to smart speakers, and Amazon and Google are competing to see where they can install their virtual assistants with the help of partners. Lenovo has been selling screens with Google Assistant for some time, but now they have reduced the matter to the size of an alarm clock - the Lenovo Smart Clock was born, which was presented at the CES 2019.
After Xiaomi and Honor, Lenovo also showed a phone without a screen notch. They created the Lenovo Z5 Pro, a phone that at $290 is almost half the price of the Mi Mix 3 or Magic 2.
Alexa was the first one we talked to and asked her for something without getting upset about it. Today, they are joined by Siri, Cortana and Google's assistant without a female name, but with a cute female voice. It's all about smart speakers, and here are the best smart speakers for the home.