Many people don't look forward to first dates, especially if it's a date with someone we've liked for a long time. We worry that our crush won't like us, that we'll say something inappropriate, or worse - find ourselves in a moment of uncomfortable silence. Well, that won't happen if you follow the list of 7 questions we have prepared especially for your first dates.
partnership relations
If you recognize your partner in most of the points below, then it may be time to consider whether this relationship is good enough for you.
The golden rule of how to make him jealous in no time is that all your actions MUST subtly exclude him because he will only want you more.
"Finding true and lasting love does not mean that we will be able to feel it all the time. Everything in the world moves in cycles." - John Gray
Victor Hugo once said that a word is a living thing. And the words of a man who loves unconditionally will go straight to your heart.
When a man meets the woman he's been looking for all his life—the woman of his dreams—she is changed forever.
4,000 couples ended their relationship, 17 couples ended their engagement, 9 couples divorced - dare you ask these two questions?
A happy and self-confident man avoids negative women by and large - don't be dark, but appreciate what you have.
The fact is that every couple fights, even those who at first look like their relationship is perfect. We don't usually talk about it because it's part of our private lives, but it's interesting to know if others are fighting about the same things as us. That's why we found 10 of the most common reasons why romantic partners quarrel.
Regardless of whether you or he left, or whether the decision to break up was mutual, the end of a relationship is always difficult. And sometimes it's even harder to start over, with a new person, because we're afraid of the situation happening again. But love is too beautiful to avoid for the rest of your life, so the worst thing you can do is to let a bad experience turn you away from it. However, be careful and don't jump into a new relationship too quickly. Here are 5 signs that will show you whether you are ready for a new relationship.
You need to keep the passion alive, so it's time to learn a new language if you don't want your relationship to end up in trouble - you have to try these 2 types of sex at least once.
Do men just want it fast, dirty and no holds barred? Maybe. However, according to a survey by the website LeAffair, the desires of men over 30 and those younger are noticeably different. So what turns men over 30 on fire the most?