"Girls with dreams become women with visions." - Unknown author
partnership relations
"Finding true and lasting love does not mean that we will be able to feel it all the time. Everything in the world moves in cycles." - John Gray
Ladies, prepare yourself in time, because there is no worse beast than the midlife male crisis.
"When you're sad and down, I'll hug you, rock you, and take your suffering on me. When you cry, I'll cry with you, when you suffer, I'll suffer with you. Together we'll try to hold back the bursts of tears and despair and push through of the paved paths of life." - Nicholas Sparks
When you are sure that there is someone with whom you can see a future together, and that he feels the same way, there are some things that can help you keep him!
He doesn't love me anymore? Is he cheating on me?
A soul mate is that person in our life with whom we feel at home and can express ourselves in perfection
"The life goal of every individual is always the same: advancement in the good." - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
After watching these movies, you will be even more convinced that it is cheating
Halloween is just around the corner, and whether you celebrate the holiday or not, this event is sure to be a good excuse for a special night out with your significant other!
"I gave you something unheard of. Something that has never been given before. I gave you my heartbeat." - Edith M. Thomas