At the beginning of a relationship, we all feel pleasant butterflies in our stomachs, we see our partner in an ideal light and we are sure that we have found the right one. Over time, however, these feelings begin to fade and many people stop trying for a relationship and begin to unwittingly engage in habits that can lead to the end of even a solid relationship. To prevent this from happening, we have prepared for you 5 habits that destroy relationships.
When we start a relationship, we all want and expect it to last as long as possible. Of course, in every relationship we encounter ups and downs, but at the very beginning it seems to us that there is no test that we cannot overcome. No one can predict the future with certainty, but there are signs that your optimism is correct and that you don't need to fear a breakup. We have prepared for you 6 early signs that your relationship will last a long time.
Being in a healthy romantic relationship is the best thing: it means that we have someone who stands by us through life's difficult trials, and with whom we can share our most wonderful moments. Nevertheless, it is relationships that fill many people with fear and anxiety - feelings that can cause them to avoid or even sabotage love. We have prepared for you an explanation of the fear of relationships and the ways you can overcome it.
It is not pleasant for anyone when there is a period of estrangement in a relationship and when it seems that the partner's interest is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning of the relationship. However, sometimes we also encounter such a situation, and instead of closing our eyes, it is necessary to realize how things stand. That is why we have prepared 6 signs that your partner is losing interest and tips on how to prevent it.
Oh, this dating world. It seems like every day we come across a new term to describe the toxic behavior of dating app users. And the latest is currently catfishing: a word for those who present themselves in a slightly too good light. We asked what catfishing looks like in practice and how you can immediately recognize it.
Intimacy is the foundation of the deep connection that characterizes long-lasting, healthy relationships. And no, we're not talking about "that" intimacy, but about the emotional closeness that allows both partners to overcome even the most difficult challenges together, while at the same time bringing them the most wonderful moments of love. Many people wonder how to achieve this kind of connection, and that is why we have prepared for you 5 ways to connect deeply with your partner.
In recent years, social networks have become an important part of our lives, which each individual views a little differently. Some take them as a necessary evil that they need for career connections, while others are happy to share their important and less important moments through them. In any case, caution is necessary when using them - especially if you are in a serious relationship. We have prepared for you 6 mistakes on social networks that can destroy your relationship.
It has happened to all of us that we confided in our partner our feelings, opinions or simply something that happened to us that day, but we got the feeling that he is not listening to us at all. And since feelings of not being heard can lead to misunderstandings or even conflicts in the relationship all too quickly, we have prepared for you 5 ways to talk to your partner so that he really listens.
In a relationship, it often happens that unhealthy patterns from our childhood come to the fore. Because we learned then that a certain way of behavior is correct, we imitate it in adult life, which can have an extremely negative impact on our relationship. And one of the very common negative patterns is sacrifice, that is, constantly giving without receiving. We asked what such behavior looks like and how to break the vicious circle.
If it used to be that we rarely heard news about the lives of ex-partners after a breakup, now with the rise in popularity of social networks it has become completely normal to come across them too often. And sometimes it hurts: especially when we notice that someone we loved so much has found a new love. That's why we've prepared 6 ways for you to accept that your ex has found someone else.
Sometimes it happens that we feel a strong and deep emotional bond with someone that we just can't explain. It seems that we just can't forget a person and that the universe keeps pulling us towards them - then it is quite possible that it is a connection of souls. We have prepared for you a way to recognize such a connection, as well as an explanation of why it is sometimes better to break it.
How nice it is when, after a long time, we meet someone again who awakens a spark in us and the desire for a romantic relationship. Of course, then it is important not to be satisfied with the first impression, but to get to know the person and their desires and values well enough to make it clear to us whether we want to start a serious relationship with them. That is why we have prepared 10 questions for you that your partner must answer before your relationship becomes serious.