The end of a relationship is considered one of the most difficult experiences in life, which unfortunately the vast majority of people face. It hurts the most if we believed that the relationship would last and did not expect the partner's desire to break up in the least. Therefore, we have prepared for you 6 signs that your relationship is coming to an end or that, if of course both are ready for it, they have to make an extra effort for it.
We can all agree that trust is extremely important in a healthy relationship: without it, even strong love cannot stop conflicts, insecurities and unhealthy jealousy. However, it is by no means wise to trust blindly - your partner must first show you through his actions and words that he deserves this virtue from you. That is why we have prepared 7 questions that will show you if you can trust your partner.
Romantic love is one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful emotion we can feel. However, relationships can be a little fuzzy at times, and many people wonder if their partner feels the same way about them. That's why we have identified 8 signs that show that your partner thinks you are his soulmate and sees you in the future.
Introducing your partner to your parents is considered something that most people tend to do when they feel that the relationship is getting serious. Some can't wait to introduce their chosen one to their family, while others are filled with nervousness and anxiety at the thought of it. We asked what the experts think about this topic: is it necessary to introduce your partner to your parents and when is the right time to do it?
Summer is finally here and many of us are already counting down the days until the holidays, which we will spend by the sea, in nature, in a foreign capital, and certainly in the company of our closest ones. If you and your partner are going on your first vacation together this year, you must already be feeling happy anticipation, which may also be accompanied by nervousness. Will your first trip together go smoothly or will it be a test of your relationship? We have prepared 5 ideas for you on how to best spend your first vacation with your partner and avoid arguments.
Everyone knows the feeling of butterflies in the stomach, pleasant nervousness and thinking about a new acquaintance with whom we felt chemistry. When we are single, we are usually happy with a new crush and think about how to find out if the crush likes us too, but when we are in a relationship, our feelings are a little different. Many times when we fall in love, we are met with guilt and the feeling that we are doing something wrong. That's why we asked the experts: Is it normal to have a crush when we're in a relationship?
If you're in a happy and serious relationship, it's perfectly normal to think about the next steps in your relationship. These include living together, marriage, children... but it is essential that you and your partner are coordinated and honest with each other regarding such important decisions. Since such conversations are not the easiest to start, we have prepared 5 steps for you to discuss with your partner about the next step in the relationship.
We have all found ourselves in a situation where our wishes, opinion or plans did not match our partner's. One way to deal with this is the well-known ultimatum. But can ultimatums actually work or are they the way to an unhealthy relationship? We asked what the advantages and disadvantages of ultimatums are and what experts think about this topic.
When a relationship begins, we usually feel passion and chemistry, pleasant nervousness and anticipation - the emotions most characteristic of early love. After years of love, these feelings subside and many couples face the question: are they really happy in their relationship, or are they just satisfied with the comfort that a long-term relationship brings? We asked what the experts think about it: how do you know if you still want a partner, or if you've just come to terms with the relationship?
When we grow to like someone, it's sometimes hard to know if the feelings are mutual. That's when it's best to muster up the courage, start a conversation and carefully observe whether the answers indicate interest or vice versa. We have prepared 25 message ideas for you that will help you find out if your chosen one is interested in you again.
We all dream of a fairy-tale, seemingly perfect relationship. Of course, perfection does not exist, but we can get closer to it by entering into a relationship with a person who is compatible with us and who is a good partner in all respects. But how to recognize such a person? We have prepared for you 7 signs that show that you are in a relationship with a great partner.
Choosing a partner is considered one of the most important decisions, and it is perfectly normal to be cautious about it. You must have heard the saying that it is not wise to mix personal and professional life. However, we have no influence on who will awaken the sparks in us, so it may well happen that we feel them with a colleague. We have prepared for you the positive and negative sides of a relationship with a colleague.