There is no such thing as an ideal partner. However, this does not mean that you have to accept compromises and tolerate an emotionally immature man.
You have to be lucky to love! But also to know some key things. This is advised by women who have never been lucky in love. These are their lessons!
What happens when you start dating a man you're madly attracted to? Are you starting to picture your wonderful future in your mind? Are you checking his FB profile? Are you looking for all possible information about him?
These Hollywood couples are the proof that life on corn is possible. So far, they are not tempted by the altar!
How long sexual intercourse should last is a question that many people ask themselves. Often not enough time for women, but too much for men. Is it true? Is there a rule of thumb for how long sex should last and what does research show?
Are you interested in which astrological sign your sign matches? According to your horoscope, who do you get caught in bed with the most?!
Psychologists often emphasize the important role of accepting a partner's weaknesses in achieving a healthy love relationship. No one is perfect and we all have our faults. As long as these mistakes do not threaten us and are not a source of dissatisfaction or insecurity, we should simply accept them.
Would you like to read his mind? Would you like him to do exactly what he dreams of? Then check out this extremely real horoscope that reveals his most "hidden" and favorite games in bed.
Do you love and be loved? Are you adapting to be loved? Are you their priority or do you turn a blind eye and accept all their blows as if they were a sign of love? Do you even know the difference between being loved and adapting to be loved?
Most of us have at least one person in our lives that we just couldn't forget. However, sometimes you have to accept that some stories don't end the way you want them to. That's when you have to focus on loving yourself and believing that the future has something much better planned for you. But how do you know if you really got over it?
When you love someone, you don't ignore them when they need help. You don't leave when she cries. You don't leave until he feels better. Because when you love someone, you love them when they are in a good mood and when they encounter obstacles on the path of life.
What we say in bed during sex is almost as important as what we do in bed. And just one sentence can make that moment incredible, or destroy any desire to continue.