"Give those you love wings to fly, roots to return and a reason to stay." - The Dalai Lama
Unfortunately, many people choose to stay in bad relationships because they are afraid of being alone. They assume that if you are alone, you will be lonely and unhappy.
Believe it or not, science has revealed how many times a week of bed activity is enough to make a happy couple.
Don't let anyone convince you that love is hard, that love MUST hurt. True love should never leave you in doubt. True love shouldn't make you fall asleep with tears in your eyes. True love shouldn't ruin your life. True love should set you free! So why should you settle for less?
What does it mean when he tells you that he needs some time, some space to himself?
Love is a complicated thing. One moment it takes you to heaven, and the next it throws you down to the real ground. One moment you think you really like a certain person, and the next you see that maybe you're just not as interested in them as you think.
Sometimes we may wonder about the meaning of fidelity and monogamy. For many, the thought of being faithful to one person for a lifetime, or at least for a very long time, is downright scary. But even though loyalty can sometimes seem a bit scary and unattainable, the other option, that is cheating, can make us feel much more uncomfortable
You'll lose her as soon as she starts feeling unappreciated, as soon as she starts wondering if you even care about her and all the things she does for you, as soon as she starts wondering why she even bothers.
Only a cheated woman knows how it feels and how it hurts. But one thing can hurt even more!
"There comes a time in life when you can finally step away from all the drama and the people who create it." – José N. Harris
Such a woman will not be abandoned by men, because she is a rare gem!
Each of us has probably gone through a relationship or friendship where we ended up disappointed and alone. But have you ever wondered what is the thing that can put a relationship in crisis and even kill it?