Summer also brings new possibilities in the field of love. It's time to reawaken that old spark that may have been hibernating for the past few months, or go in search of a fresh summer romance. Read on for ideas for a great summer date that's sure to get butterflies in your stomach.
Do you know what things you need to do as a newlywed couple to build a good foundation for your future together?
We've all experienced it. Someone hurt us intentionally or unintentionally. We try to minimize the pain as much as possible and deal with it. It's normal to be angry at the person who hurt us, but anger only makes things worse. And even if these people don't ask or don't deserve it, forgive them. Whether it's a family member, a friend or an ex-partner - you deserve inner peace, and you'll only get it if you know how to forgive.
Are there rules for a successful relationship between two? Scientists have analyzed strong and successful couples and found out which 15 things make them so successful.
At BrightSide, they thought about it, we summarized our thoughts and came to the following conclusions:
We all screw up sometimes, especially on a first date. These are various white lies behind which we hide and with which we (exaggerate) brag. So the intent behind these lies is obvious: we want the person we're dating to see us in a better light. And what do people most often lie about on first dates?
If you want to improve your written communication with a crush, then it's time to look at what emojis you use. The dating app Clover conducted a study that showed which emojis men and women respond best to. And let's trust you right now that an eggplant or poop emoji won't help you at all.
When we walk the path to happiness, we look for theories (and practices) that would help us reach our goal. And one of these theories says that the key to happiness is changing partners every 5 years. So why should we change partners every five years and what are the disadvantages of this theory?
Conflicts and problems are present in every relationship, and with a magnifying glass you should look for an individual who is comfortable with this kind of relationship dynamic and enjoys it. But occasional, mischievous teasing is far from a serious problem. On the contrary, a gentle prank here and there is the perfect remedy for a relationship that becomes boring or cramped. In the video below, you can see how the couples tease each other.
Having a sister is the best thing - you might not realize it right now, but she's actually your best friend. They grow up together, laugh, argue and confide in each other even the deepest secrets. Even when your sister gets on your nerves, you know she'll be there for you through thick and thin. And here are 20 reasons why your sister is also your best friend.
If your last few dates have been unsuccessful, we have a tip for you that is worth trying. Watch porn before a date and you'll have a better chance of getting another.
Only an incredibly self-confident person admits that he is the one who made a mistake. Although admitting it is painful, it is the first step towards positive change. Of course, it takes two for a bad partnership, and we can sabotage it ourselves without even realizing it. If you are doing these 5 things, you are almost certainly the one who is the 'problem' in this relationship.