We can get involved in toxic or unhealthy relationships in various areas. Partnership expert Melita Kuhar writes about why this happens to us and what relationships we prefer to end in time.
Our relationships—casual, romantic, friendly—affect us far more than we realize. The people around us can change us, both positively and negatively. If we are unhappy and feel like life is beating us down, then it may actually be the result of one of our relationships. That's why we need to remove such people from our lives, and here are five types of 'toxic' people we really don't need.
We often think that we know each other to the last detail and that we correctly predict our reactions in various situations. These fascinating experiments proved the opposite, proving that we are much more complicated than we think, and that we just don't know ourselves that well. Read on to find out which seven experiments have shown that nature surpasses all our knowledge and that we hide more inside us than we think.
There are certain tricks that can instantly improve communication and relationships both at work and at home.
Meeting your dream guy, the guy you want to marry, is not easy. Many girls have a long list, and on the list they want qualities that are supposed to distinguish the man of their dreams. But the man of your dreams cannot be planned or bought. We have to be in the right place at the right time. And then we must feel that this is it! However, certain qualities in a man should not be ignored. If your boyfriend has these qualities, you can just marry him.
Couples differ from each other in many nuances, but roughly, almost every couple can be classified into one of these 10 types of relationships. What kind of relationship are you two in?
Are you annoyed by a colleague, superior, maybe mother-in-law? What can you do to make it easier to get over a person who gets on your nerves? We meet many people every day and it is logical that some of them get on our nerves. What can you do to stop them from drinking your blood and make meeting them more bearable? Is it best to just avoid them, is it best to pretend? Neither one nor the other is the best solution. Here are three principles that will help you get over a person who gets on your nerves and with whom you want to have as little as possible to deal with.
Text messages are basically for quick and short communication of importance. But does it seem like we've gone a bit too far? Below we have written absolutely those messages that should never be written in our messages.
There are those who are attractive, likable and naturally content. But there are also those here who have to learn this valued skill, which requires quite a bit of time and effort. For those of you who have no idea how to be likable and where to start, we have prepared some useful tips that will surely help you improve your likability for 200 %.
Ladies, have you ever encountered a scenario where a man mistook your politeness or kindness for flirting? Don't worry, you're not the only one. It is a widespread phenomenon called "sexual misperception". Research has shown that as many as 90 percent of women encounter a situation where their friendly exchange of words is understood by men as flirting. Why is that so? Is the cultural environment to blame, is evolution to blame? Find out all this below.
How would you change the world if you could? A question that is inextricably linked to the Miss World pageant and the answer about peace and the end of ease in the world. But as you will see below, people of different ages offer different answers, like beauties on stage. The fact is that one person cannot change the world. But it can be the spark that starts a fire.
Although vacations consist of sunbathing, engaging in water sports and enjoying cuisine, one of their key components is also vacation sex. Below, we check 5 tips for an even sexier vacation...