Scientists and physiognomists are of the opinion that the lips are one of the most important parts of the human body that we must pay attention to when we want to find out what a person's character is. So what does your lip shape say about you?
Flying can be tiring at times. Finally relax before the long-awaited vacation and head to the airport with a smile. Get off the plane with a green face. What did you do wrong?
The latest scientific work of the late scientist and professor Stephen Hawking demonstrates how to determine the existence of parallel universes and how we are all ultimately doomed. He completed the work just two weeks before his death, in which he explains mathematically how a space probe could, theoretically, once and for all determine whether the idea of parallel universes is correct and that humanity inhabits only one of many universes.
Many people have trouble getting motivated to exercise. They feel much better lying in front of the TV and eating fast food. If you find yourself in this description, we offer you a solution.
Who says science is boring? Scientists have recently discovered that coconut water can be injected into the body intravenously and that the Mona Lisa actually had eyebrows. The world will never cease to amaze us - check it out for yourself!
Pizza has established itself as one of the favorite dishes of the average person. It is known that it does not make the list of healthy dishes. Nevertheless, the consequences of its consumption are not so bad - scientists have found that it contributes to greater productivity at work.
The strict gender orientations that have defined men and women for years are on pretty shaky ground, according to a new study. According to this study, there are no 100% heterosexuals.
According to science, there are 4 types of alcohol users, but they are quite different from each other. Where do you belong?
Science reveals another great reason why it's a good idea to take an afternoon off every now and then and send your kids off to their grandparents. Research has shown that children who spend time with their grandparents are less prejudiced against the elderly. You can read more about it in the article.
You could write an encyclopedia on the reasons why men and women cheat, and you still wouldn't cover half of the reasons. Almost everyone has their own reason, accompanied by a long story to justify the reason and, of course, extreme moralizing to try to minimize their guilt. But science does not surrender so easily. In a recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research, they simplified everything.
A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found 3 types of adult moviegoers, and only one was found to be healthy.
When we lie down in our bed in the evening after a tiring day, we want to fall asleep as soon as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not possible. We often start thinking about different things just when it is least necessary.