Znanstival 2016 is just around the corner! Scientific adventures, popular science lectures, scientific performances, daring experiments and a garden of experiments, all this will take place in Ljubljana, on bridges, squares and in the House of Experiments, between June 3 and 5, 2016. And the entrance fee? Just curiosity!
Did you know that there are many questions that science cannot yet answer? Hold on. Science has solved many riddles, but it has not cracked all the nuts yet. One such question that still perplexes him is whether God exists. Science also cannot (yet) explain why we dream and what the universe is made of. Or what happens after we die. These are just a few of the 10 questions that science still cannot answer.
Memories are like sparks that smolder under the ashes, but when you unfold them, they come alive again and again, Goethe once said. Without memory, the ability to learn would also be meaningless, as we would not be able to remember what we learn. And if you think that the memories in our brain are stored as data in the working memory or on the hard disk, you are wrong, because while the computer stores information in specific places, the brain stores fragments of the memory of the same thing at different ends. And when we recall a memory, nerve impulses from individual parts of the brain assemble these fragments of memories into a meaningful whole. But why do we (re)store some memories, while others are swallowed up by a "black hole"?
We all know the morning routine well. Alarm clock, snooze, snooze, snooze, coffee, leaving home. In most people, this provokes some anger and morning sickness. Today we bring you the best news - scientists have discovered the optimal time to start work. Does the early hour still apply - the golden hour?
For many women, becoming a mother is the final and ultimate goal - the last hurrah, the step towards which they have been marching all their lives. The idea of having children is ingrained in us since childhood, and the importance of reproduction is also rooted in religion. In the Christian creed, Adam and Eve were given to Earth for reproduction, for the creation of the human race. Of course, all of this is additionally influenced by pop culture - films such as Najeta mama (Baby Mama, 2008) or What to Expect When You're Expecting? (What To Expect When You're Expecting, 2012) perpetuates the idea that the children we have alone will somehow fulfill our entire lives. Maybe it's true, maybe children really do make our lives worthwhile. They also make it more stressful - from social, financial and environmental aspects. Even science says that reproduction is a bad idea. In the article, we can read what are the main reasons why science believes that children should not be had.
Organs-On-Chips is a microchip that could revolutionize our lives. The innovative microchip designed by the Wyss Institute was chosen as the best design of 2015 by London's Design Museum.
When we ever look up at the sky at night, we are usually only aware that we are part of the universe and that we are in the universe. But far more astonishing is the fact that the universe is within us. Therefore, when you look at the sky and feel small - because we humans are small, and the universe is infinitely large - we should really feel big, because our atoms came from the stars. From the stars that, when they disintegrated like a dandelion that we "blow", scattered their core across the galaxy. The core is rich in oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and other ingredients important for life.
Scientific adventures, scientific performances, daring experiments, popular science lectures, a garden of experiments and a discount for the House of Experiments, all this will take place in Ljubljana, on bridges, squares and in the House of Experiments between June 5 and 7, 2015. A three-day event dedicated to the promotion of science and education, like A Man Don't Get Angry, is aimed at everyone, and the "entrance fee" is curiosity. The festival is otherwise free.
Do you like playing with fire? I say to those, not metaphorically? Are you a pyromaniac? Then a compilation of awesome fire tricks will be perfect for you. Of course, fire doesn't belong in the house, but you can perform these tricks even behind closed doors, but you should be extremely careful, because even the most innocent flame can cause a disaster. So play with fire responsibly.
Basement Jaxx duo's new music video continues a string of oddities in their repertoire, as it follows the scientific process of creating a robot that, in the final stage, closely imitates twerking, the sexually seductive dance that Miley Cyrus launched into the stratosphere. Hmmm, maybe it's time for the British duo to spin their own "Where's your head at?"
Scientists have found that laziness is strongly linked to the gene for activity, thus proving that laziness is not a personality disorder but a genetic one. We are lazy because we are simply genetically inclined to it!
The way we remember things depends on how our brain works. Find out if you are the visual type in a short video clip!