Ski lovers, beware! After four years, Kanin, the highest ski resort in Slovenia, is back in operation! Today, the first skiers have already tried it, but tomorrow you can too!
On December 13, 2016, a regulation came into force in the European Union, i.e. also in Slovenia, requiring food producers to label the nutritional value of foods. This means that from now on all prepackaged foods will have nutritional information. On the packaging, manufacturers will have to provide information on the energy value, amount of carbohydrates, total and saturated fats, salt, sugars and proteins. Only information on the amount of dietary fiber, which is not (yet) mandatory, has been omitted.
Ever since Donald Trump was elected US president and the first lady will be Slovenian, Slovenia, a country that, according to NBC, is no bigger than the state of Houston, has been under the scrutiny of the world media. Only the second First Lady of the United States who was not born in America, Melania Trump, comes from here. You can see how our pocket country, which was also declared a European New Zealand, is represented in their contributions after the elections by world media such as BBC, NBC, CNN and others.
Two is better. But not when you drive your car through a toll booth. Dars' surveillance cameras recorded an unusual scene at the Bazara toll booth on the Vrtojba-Razdrto expressway. Two female drivers drove parallel through the concrete island. The tin was groaning...
While some countries are extremely densely populated, in others the picture is just the opposite. You are interested in what the world map would look like if the territory was divided according to population size. Where Slovenia would move, who would be its neighbors and whether it would have direct access to the open sea, we will publish below.
The next time you are asked how high Triglav, the highest peak in Slovenia, is, the correct answer will no longer be 2864 meters, as we were taught in school, but 2863 m! According to the new official measurements, Triglav is 34 centimeters lower than we thought, which is the height of two steps. The measurement is the result of the transition to a new system of geodetic measurement, which provides the Geodetic Administration with more accurate data on the topology of the surface. The new height system no longer has its starting point in Trieste, and the result is that other peaks will also receive height corrections, albeit small ones. But what is little for Triglav, in the case of floods, 34 centimeters can be a decisive difference.
The New Year's jump into the sea in Portorož is a traditional event on New Year's Day that you simply must not miss! Every year it attracts more brave jumpers and spectators, why not join the event this year? It will be varied and fun!
Slovenia was hit by heavy rain this weekend, which caused a lot of inconvenience in many places. But at least the high water levels and floods didn't spoil someone's mood. In Spodnja Branica in Goriška, this young man had the pleasure of riding a jet ski right through the flooded area. He wrote next to his video: "Horror jet ski crash and Spodnja Branica." What will the sea do to you if you have floods at home?''
Lately, new bivouacs have been growing like mushrooms after the rain in the Slovenian mountains. Let's remember. Recently, we got a phenomenal bivouac under Skuta, and a new bivouac II at Jezeri in the Julian Alps, and on Kanin, a vertically designed bivouac, located in the immediate vicinity of Dom Petr Skalar, has recently been attracting attention. Just like Skutin, he was also 'curved' by the design bureau OFIS Arhitekti. Nine people can sleep in the winter room.
We've already seen many great drifts, but few have impressed us as much as the nighttime drifting of a Slovenian on the streets of Novi Mesto in a BMW 3 series, E46, which even Ken Block wouldn't be ashamed of. Time for Hollywood producers to hang up the phone? There's definitely room for one more in The Fast and the Furious!
Many Slovenian ski resorts have already been covered in snow and although skiing is not yet possible anywhere, ski passes for individual Slovenian ski resorts are already on sale. Below we publish the prices of ski passes 2016/2017. Check where in Slovenia you will be able to ski at the best price this season.
On Wednesday, October 26, 2016, on the 25th anniversary of the departure of the Yugoslav Army from Slovenia, the documentary-photographic exhibition Slovenia 1991/1992 opens in the Museum of Recent History of Slovenia.