Drive along the coastal highway all the way to Črne Kal and turn right at the exit for Socerb. After a few kilometers, we arrive at the small village of Socerb, which lies on the border between Karst and Istria and is known for the castle of the same name, which dates back to the 15th century.
Sevnica, a sprawling town along the Sava, which used to be given its rhythm by a railway station, where today an old steam locomotive with red collars is on display, is admittedly quite far from the capital, but that does not mean that it is not worth a visit.
Kurentovanje is the biggest carnival event in Slovenia, which brings carnival joy and playfulness to the people of Ptuj. The traditional carnival mask is kurent or korant, which chases away winter and calls for spring with the ringing of bells and ritual.
The Skirca Club operates in Logatec, which officially opened the first Slovenian tourist bicycle transversal LKT in May 1997 - the Logaška bicycle transversal, which has a ninety-kilometer route. Every keen cyclist can collect stamps in their LKT Guide, which can be a good motivation for cycling.