Few people know how to properly charge their cell phone. With our habits, we usually contribute the lion's share to the destruction of the battery. But with just a few changes, we can significantly improve the situation.
The space we arrange can reflect our mental state. And even though you tend to get messy and feel good about it, there are quite a few reasons why it's better to follow tidiness here and there. Read what the advantages of minimalism are and 7 reasons to give up the hood.
Did your New Year's resolutions include the desire to manage money better or save? It happens every year, doesn't it? We do quite well for a while, until something tempts us again. And then we bite our nails, think about the expediency of the purchase, get on our nerves, but finally give up. We have advice for you on how you can save as much as 1,500 euros this year.
In many cases, New Year's resolutions include losing weight or getting in better shape. For all those of you who will take on this project in 2018, we have prepared some supporting points that can help you along the way. The tips you need to follow if you want to lose weight will make your journey to the desired figure easier.
Our password is the main weapon against online abuse, which we often forget. We must do everything we can to protect ourselves from data theft.
There are few people who have not experienced the agony of realizing that their favorite piece of clothing has been destroyed by the washing machine, and that it can no longer be purchased anywhere. But then crying and moaning and praying to the gods to turn back time are pointless. But you can learn something from an accident. For example, how to wash laundry well so that it does not lose its quality? Read more about it in this article.
Monopoly was an ideal opportunity for everyone to become a multi-millionaire, a real estate mogul or the owner of a hotel chain, at least for an hour. In short, we could live in an illusion for a while. And we still had fun, because Monopoly is (was) certainly one of the more popular board games. You know we've been playing it wrong until now?
Professional chefs have quite a few tricks up their sleeve that the lay public may not know. How to prepare a really good steak? How about a whole chicken? In the article, you can read about the tricks of master chefs, which are revealed only at culinary schools.
You know the feeling when you get off the plane, go through all the checks and run towards the baggage department, so you can see your loved ones as soon as possible or catch the bus, but the luggage starts rolling very slowly and yours is nowhere to be seen? Well, we're going to reveal some tricks that will help you get to your luggage faster in the future.
Almost everyone who has gone on a date this year has used at least one dating app to help themselves – the most popular of which is certainly Tinder. However, some are more successful than others in using modern dating methods. In this article, you can read how to be more successful on such applications and get a date with the person you want.
Today, we meet experts at every step. And one such person is William Hanson, a leading British coach and etiquette expert. He explained which objects in our home signal that we have no taste (or no fick). You will be surprised.
The Google search engine has become an almost indispensable part of our lives. With it, we search and find almost everything we are interested in. But is it really suitable for absolutely everything? Here are 5 things you shouldn't be Googling.