
This is what the iPhone will look like in the future - the vision of the iPhone until 2023

The iPhone of the future

We've barely seen the new iPhone, and there are already speculations about what the successor to the iPhone7 will be like. Since Apple is not going to release what awaits us in the future for a long time, they played with this idea at Mashable, where they gave us their vision of the future generations of the iPhone model. Gone this year is the headphone jack. What will disappear in another year and what in 2023? What will the iPhone of the future be like? Find out all this below.

We barely got it the new iPhone, iPhone 7, seems increasingly interested in what it will be like the next iPhone. The iPhone did not bring anything revolutionary. She raised the most dust headphone jack or lack of it.

READ MORE: Which one is better? iPhone 7 or Samsung Galaxy S7: Comparison

But if Apple removed the headphone jack from the last iPhone, that was just the beginning evictions hardware. iPhone 7s++, coming in 2017, will be left without a volume button. The digital assistant Siri will take care of the volume. We are looking forward to 2018 iPhone 8eye, which will be without a microphone, as the camera will be able to read your lips. iPhone 9h will be without the home button, which became touch-sensitive on the iPhone 7. It's coming in 2020 iPhone X, which will remain without speakers. iPhone X+ will always be on and no rubber to boot because what good is a smartphone if it's off.

Apple will also get rid of the screen in the future.
Apple will also get rid of the screen in the future.

The year 2022 will be revolutionary, as Apple will leave the model iPhone X+Y removed the screen, because audio is not limited by resolution like the screen (so it will be limited to headphones, since Apple will get rid of the microphone from the iPhone beforehand). But the real revolution will come in 2023, when it will be released iPhone THX-1138, from which Apple will remove everything but the glass.

If you haven't figured it out, it's not real Apple's vision (even the name on the video is fictitious), but a parody on the subject of the iPhone, prepared by the Mashable team for their YouTube channel Mashable Watercooler.

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