
"Tales of Auto Elasticity": the story of the elasticity of cars by Chris Labrooy

When we talk about rolled sheet metal, the topic usually lands in the black chronicle. But not in our case. Namely, we present to you the series of the English artist Chris Labrooy entitled "Tales of Auto Elasticity". These are digital installations, curved delivery vehicles in abandoned parking lots that act like something squeezed out of a tube.

Tales of Auto Elasticity” is a continuation of the series ”Auto Aerobics”, which he did Chris Labrooy launched in 2013. They inspired the project road trips in California, where a Briton came across abandoned commercial buildings with parking lots. Since it is a digital product and not a real installation, Labrooy was able to play with the cars as with plasticine and so he did not encounter the real limitations of the elasticity of the sheet metal of the Ford delivery truck and other "road cruisers".

READ MORE: Nikola Božović: Extraordinary automotive transformations at the Belgrade Design Week

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