

The Vesele odra comedy is about a topic that, despite its high frequency, will make us laugh again. The husband's mother moves from Prlekija to a middle-class family living in one of Maribor's block settlements. The change in the living environment, the unaccustomedness to living with the family and its interconnectedness lead to many comic...

Important information
Narodni dom Maribor, Ulica kneza Koclja 9, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
9 euros

The Vesele odra comedy is about a topic that, despite its high frequency, will make us laugh again. The husband's mother moves from Prlekija to a middle-class family living in one of Maribor's block settlements. The change in the living environment, the unaccustomedness to living with the family and its interconnectedness lead to many comic complications. Additional complications are caused by the neighbor Hanzek, a downstairs neighbor in years, who suddenly becomes a regular guest. It turns out that senior citizens, despite their inflexibility, can cook up many things, including a love adventure. 

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