
Ta+Too – a bicycle seat that always goes with you

Ta+Too modular bicycle seat

Ta+Too is an innovative bike seat that can go anywhere with you. With it, you are like a shirt and an ass, because it goes with you even after you chain your bike and are out of sight. This prevents theft or damage. The modular seat features a removable top that snaps into the rest of the seat, so you don't have to lug around the seat post like you used to if you wanted to keep it safe from miscreants.

Basic information
Selle Royal
The price
79,90 €

All of you who have a little better bike, you probably also invested some money in bicycle seat. Therefore, it is logical that you are afraid of someone stealing it when the bike is locked somewhere. S bicycle seat This+Too you will not have these problems and worries, because you will always be able to sit down took with them, but this will not cause you additional problems, since the entire seat does not go with you, s seat support ok, but only the part of the seat that you remove with a single stroke.

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Ta+Too is exceptional at the same time comfortable seat, and you can choose from several color combinations.

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